New Interview – Metal Militia

 Hey! First of all, for those who have missed your band before: What does Brute Forcz is all about?
Brute Forcz is all about us and our music being, “BIG, THICK, and IN YOUR FACE”. Cal us what you want, old school or whatever, but we are a real heavy metal band. Think Motorhead, Priest, Venom, that type of style. We are into singing about today’s social issues like drinking, chasing women and kicking ass, issues that really matter to people !! Again, Brute Forcz is about kick ass heavy metal. 

What can you tell me about Brute Forcz latest EP “Brute Forcz”?
We had been on an hiatus for the last three years, due to some major operations, death of a close friend and some financial setbacks. So we know when all of those issues were addressed, that we wanted to come back even stronger and more aggressive than our first full CD, “Out For Blood.” We chose to work a more experienced and heavier producer in Bill Metoyer, who has worked with Slayer and others just to name a few. So our latest four song EP is a tip of what we have in store down the line. The EP has done great, and we are pleased with what we have seen so far.

When your fans can hear something new after “Brute Forcz”? I mean if there is scheduled some info about new album.
We have a new album ready to go, and will be out when we fell we need to. Right now we are trying to get our first CD and our new EP out to as many people as possible. Not being out in the public’s eye the last three years has hurt our momentum, so we need to pick that back up before we put out any new music. But again, we are ready and can promise it will be kick ass heavy metal……

Do you have enough of positive feedbacks about the EP so far?
Absolutely. Our youtube video from Sliptrick records, “Phat Ass Girls”, has been extremely popular. The new songs have also received great response from all of our fans, and we thank them. We are very happy with the feed back from our new EP, and if you have not heard it yet, we think you will definitely like it when you hear it.

Sliptrick records will release your album, so how you can value your collaboration so far?
Very happy with Sliptrick Records. They have been a huge help in reaching new fans for us, especially in Europe. Carlo at SlipTrick is the man…………

Do you play live gigs? Any plans to visit Europe, Canada etc?
Funny you should ask that now. We will be making our first trip to Europe later this year. The dates are starting November 11th to November 26th, 12 shows in all. We are starting in Croatia and ending in Serbia. All of the updated dates will be on our website soon, Come by and see us if we are in your town, we will have a great show for you………

You’ve been active as a band for close to 6 years, what helps you to continue with the music?
Well again, we have only been active for about three years, but we love playing heavy metal music. And we like the opportunity to continue to bring metal to the fans out there who don’t have a lot to choose from today. Not sure if it is everywhere, but in the US, heavy metal music is not being played. Most of the bands I hear are playing some silly type of non metal crap, and then on top of that, there are also no heavy metal stations for the fans to listen to both new and older heavy metal. Lemme of Motorhead once said they are trying to kill rock and roll, and that seems to be true. So if we can do our small part to bring metal to people, then we will continue to do so………

Is it enough easy to play metal and have stable line-up in Los Angeles? Can you live from album sales?
Great question. No, in my opinion, it is hard to have a stable line-up in Los Angeles. I refer to part of the answer to question 7, heavy metal in LA seems to be a dying art. There are so many genre’s of “Metal” today, and most of it has no balls, it is pathetic. Or every other band has songs in which I cannot understand a single word in any of their songs. So having to deal with those that think that way and work within that frame can be very difficult at times. I’m just saying……… So ideas are going to go from one extreme to the other. On top of that, most clubs in LA are pay to play, and that makes it more difficult for the bands on top of everything else. So almost all bands cannot live off of their album sales…

Which song off of “Brute Forcz” would you choose to play if you wanted to create a new fan of Brute Forcz?
They are all good, but I would say, “Phat Ass Girls”.

Which was the band that made you go, “that’s it–I’m starting a metal band!”?
No doubt…… MOTORHEAD……

Any parting words for the readers of Metal Militia?
I would just like to thank you for allowing Brute Forcz the opportunity to be heard. We need avenues like yours to be able to express and be heard as artists, and you are a valuable piece in this industry. You guys do a great job and again we would like to thank you………

Thank you for your time!
You are very welcome. Talk to you next time…………